
Hey there! I'm Trisha, or Trish if you like that better! I'm 18 and currently a freshie at NIT Calicut. Yeah I am gonna be an engineer and I guess this is the right way for me, because I've always been curious about how things work and now I'm really learning some of it. Yet I realise now, I know so little of this world. Everyone else I've been around seems to know so much more now, and they never pointed this out to me, they'd always say it was ok. But now that I'm livin all alone finally, I realise I should have known a lil more to survive this! I know, I'd have been different then, maybe not the way I am right now, but I guess they'd still like me, and it'd be a lil easier me here. Hell I feel so lost! And I realise this is just the beginning, from now on its just gonna be me and my life and what I can do with it. And I feel scared, oh yeah I do! I've always hated changes, and I can't believe this is really happenin! It feels so weird to realise that its never ever again gonna be like its always been, no matter what, its over, its gone! And it does feel like it did all go by in jus 60 seconds, without any warnings, just all gone!!


Naveen Francis said...
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