When we moved into our current room two years ago, this is what you'd see if you looked outside the window - a lovely sight. Barely any sunshine could get through all this foliage; felt like we were living right in the jungle!
Soon however, the trees within the LH campus were brought down. That made me really angry at first but soon it was fine.
There was some problem with our fan and they took it away for almost the entire semester. But it was never that hot, we never needed to sleep in another room.
Beginning of this year (2010), they came up with the plan for a new hostel for the gals (something they should have done a long long time ago for there is a serious lack of space in here). And this is the transition that has take place in the last month.
By last week, all that could be seen was barren red soil. And the glare of the sun was so intense even through the tinted glass that the blinds had to be kept down from as early as eight in the morning till atleast five in the evening.
And tell you what, that was a luxury. For this is what it looks like outside my window now...