Hello there. Long time again. And no I haven't been lazy. Whoever said final year is cool, my whole week goes in lab records and drawing sheets and weekends go by in the usual boring trips to the city and oh yea lots of just lazing around but not sleeping. So ultimately I still feel sleep-deprived and busy all the time!
So on things that have been up with me, there was our last Ganesh Chaturathi in college last weekend, and it was quite some fun. And oh oh before that was our last Onam too. Damn that was ages ago, now I realise I haven't posted in, well, ages!
And there have been placements. Loads and more.
And awesome weather. Finally the rains are here like first year, the way I like them.
And then there was the student body elections this Sunday, followed by loads of action!
And, I'm a little bored coz of having to spend a hell lot of time just by myself :( Sometimes I wanna get out of here really fast although time does seem to be flying by even faster in final year and hey I just realised, when I get done with this college, there can be no more Confessions@NITC. It's so soon compared to school which took forever to be over, and what am I gonna write about after college! Who'll wanna read about..well, I can't yet imagine what I'm gonna write about after college!
Einladungskarten Geburtstag Zu 70. Auf Bayrisch - Stempelhandwerk:
Einladungskarten zum 70. Geburtstag... / Ich werde bald schon 70 jahr!
*Einladungskarten Geburtstag Zu 70. Auf Bayrisch - Stempelhandwerk:
Einladungskarten zum 70. Geburtstag... / Ich werde bald schon 70 jahr!*.
Auf diesen ...
3 years ago