Mech. Workshop

Today was my first day at the mechanics workshop. And as luck would have it, I was assigned what they call the worst shop out there-the fittings shop.
Hell it was so tiring! We were handed two blocks of mild steel each and we had to file their sides to make them into perfect cuboids.
I couldn't see the purpose of the whole thing, so unfortunately I didn't believe in what I was doing. So obviously, I couldn't get my pieces right!
I must have been quite a sight out there, all sweaty and exhausted, for everyone who passed by stopped to give me a smile! And there were like three people there to guide the twelve of us and each stopped by to give me some advice. In fact I was so hopeless that ultimately, the guy who was the assistant took the pieces from me and filed them himself!
So at the end of the day, I did have two perfect cuboids! C'mon, atleast I tried, and that's what they say is important in mech workshop. So I guess, all's well that does well eh?