Mock GD 3.0

I wonder if anyone of you reading this post read my blog two years ago, when I wrote about my first mock GD [1.0 for me ;) ]; the bottomline was - I didn't speak a word through two goddamned GDs, until in the end, they picked me out to conclude!!

2.0: Didn't know it existed till after I was done with 3.0!!

It was due to start at 5:30; I woke up at 5:40 (obviously with no intentions of going for it!!) and ran into the IPF people in the corridor; they asked me to be there by 6:15 over my protests 'hey when did I say I was coming?!!'
Anyways I had nothing better to do - actually I did but I preferred exercising my vocal cords over it ;) and I went, just like that, with just one thing in my mind - 'No matter what, I gotta speak this time!!'

And well, guess what happened? At the end of it, I was told -
You know, this ain't jam?? You needn't keep talking, you can stop if you think you're done!!

Obviously I didn't make it to the next round but I'm proud as a goose to have driven those people to say that to me!! :D


Inos said...

lol, its like u r oscillating between can't open your mouth, and can't keep it shut... :P

Trisha said...

n its like, ur statin the obvious.. :P