Hey!! I'm writing here after a long time, so about the interview - I didn't make it obviously, else it would have been here in an hour!! But that isn't the issue. They told me that if I answered questions like that, I'd never get placed!! I'll tell you exactly what happened..
They asked if Intel came over next week and offered me a 7.5 over TI's 6, would I go, and I said 'obviosly!!!' And then they asked if I intended to write GRE and if I got accepted at some university would I go for it and I said 'yeah sure'!!!!
And then they had an awesome time practically ragging me out there!! They got me so bad, I was saying one thing one moment and something totally contradictory the next!! I had them literally rolling with laughter!!
But ultimately, it was a good experience, coz in the end they told me exactly how to answer such questions. I'm glad I went for this, else I'd have said all that crap at a real placement interview!!
The Interview
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 | Labels: mock placements, Texas Instruments | 1 Comments
Day 3: 8:30 a.m.
I made it through the GD!!! I can't beliveve it! And I didn't just make it through, I top the list!!
So next up is the personal interview today, and for that, we had to prepare a resume - my first resume!!
Now, after coming so far, I really want to make it now. Initially, I had just gone for it to see what it was going to be like, no hopes oe anything. But now, I really want to see my list on the 'placed' list. It'll be fun wont it? Well so lets see what happens..
Thursday, February 21, 2008 | Labels: mock placements | 1 Comments
Day 2: GD
Hey I'm done with the GD, and guess what? I spoke! And I spoke quite a lot! And that, when I absolutely clueless about the topic! In fact we all were. And there was just one guy who meekly protested that we were off-track and I like shut him off and he accepted it! The judges were furious with him! But they also pointed at me and said they expected me to carry the GD forward because they'd seen me come for the first GD and we ran out of things to say this time. I just smiled, didn't want to tell him what happened last time!
I guess I'm pretty satisfied, now I believe I can do something about GDs, not 'that' afraid of them anymore.
About whether I'll get to the next level, I'm dead sure I wont. But its okay, I overcame a fear today, and I thank the heavens for that.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 | Labels: group discussions, mock placements | 0 Comments
Next day-1:30a.m.
Hey I'm back from the valentine thing. It was hell crappy, like I had predicted; but junk that, I have better things to talk about:
The mock placements that is. I sat for this company called Texas Instruments. And know what? I got through the first round!! Next round is the GD, and its probably tomorrow. You can imagine how scared I am after all that fiasco at the mock GD!
So lets see what happens tomorrow, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 | Labels: group discussions, mock placements, Texas Instruments | 0 Comments
V DaY: 2p.m.
Hey today is that day I have been talking about- Valentine's day at college. And I already got like 19 roses and well, it isn't that bad you know! It's been good so far, I'm glad it's been almost a usual day so far, except for the roses of course, so lets see what happens in the evening.
But, before the party, there's the first round of 'mock placements'. I really hope something good comes out of it. Actually, its the second round I'm afraid of, the GD. After last time, I'm really not sure if I can really do something at a bloody GD. So I kinda don't want to get to it. But its stupidity to run away from it like that right? Someday I gotto do it. So lets see what happens there too. That's my only concern right now, the V-Day thingy's bound to be shitty!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 | Labels: group discussions, placement, valentine's day | 0 Comments
Mech. Workshop
Today was my first day at the mechanics workshop. And as luck would have it, I was assigned what they call the worst shop out there-the fittings shop.
Hell it was so tiring! We were handed two blocks of mild steel each and we had to file their sides to make them into perfect cuboids.
I couldn't see the purpose of the whole thing, so unfortunately I didn't believe in what I was doing. So obviously, I couldn't get my pieces right!
I must have been quite a sight out there, all sweaty and exhausted, for everyone who passed by stopped to give me a smile! And there were like three people there to guide the twelve of us and each stopped by to give me some advice. In fact I was so hopeless that ultimately, the guy who was the assistant took the pieces from me and filed them himself!
So at the end of the day, I did have two perfect cuboids! C'mon, atleast I tried, and that's what they say is important in mech workshop. So I guess, all's well that does well eh?
Thursday, February 14, 2008 | Labels: filing, mechanical workshop | 0 Comments
'Chilli Queen'
Valentine's Day's round the corner, so guess what's the latest buzz in my college...V DAY cards!!
But these ain't the regular cards, they've been custom made for NITC students. This is how they work: You pay the fifteen bucks for your card, fill in the name, branch and year of the girl or boy you want to send it to, and choose one from among various colors of roses or chilli. You may or may not provide your own identity. The card will be delivered to that person on the day, in class, along with whatever you choose and probably an announcement of the total no. of stuff he or she's recieved!!
Apparently, people are going to be crowned rose king and queen, as well as chilli king and queen!!
I'm actually expecting a couple of chillies to come my way! So stay tuned to this blog, I may provide some hilarious accounts of V Day, all in the middle of our mid-term exams!!
Monday, February 11, 2008 | Labels: valentine's day | 0 Comments
When I was in school, I'd see my older cousins who'd come over from college and I'd find certain things very weird about them. Stories about dirty socks etc would disgust me, and their laid back style-studying and assignments at the last moment, no plans for anything, everything impromptu- would kind of surprise me.
After coming to college myself though, I find myself trodding the same paths and my only comment now would be - 'yeah! It is kinda funny. But I guess its okay!'
I mean, really, it is really okay, isn't it! It happens to everyone, and it happened to me. So what's the big deal right!
Well the only deal's that it may not go down too well with your parents, so just make sure they don't get the wind of it! With this only important thing taken care of, you're ready to live your life, your way!
There have been two really amazing developments in me that's sure to drive my mum berserk!
I developed, right from the scratch, the potential to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, anyway! This, by the way, is a common trait in all normal college students.
The other would be my ability to study with my earphones plugged to my ear. And not just that, the volume of the music has increased like five times! I never thought I'd be anything like this, I never thought such people could be good or serious students. But now, I find myself waking up in the morning and looking for my earphones to plug in!
Dirty socks are no more an issue for me; I've got like over five pairs of dirty rocks at various locations in my room, and I really don't mind. I'll think of doing something about them only when all my other pairs are exhausted! Same applies to clothes as well. I have more dirty clothes than clean ones!
I realised I need just half my bed, the other half's for stuff that just can't be moved elsewhere!
But these things are only normal human instincts right? That means I'm getting closer to nature?? hmmm...
Sunday, February 10, 2008 | Labels: college life | 2 Comments
Homesick no more!!
I'm back in coll for the third time (its still semester 2 but we got two weeks off 'cause of chicken pox in coll!!) and what's really amazin me's that i don't feel homesick at all! The last time, I'd started with my trademark 'I wanna go home!' five minutes after walkin into college but this time, it's my friends who're usin this line, I haven't used it yet. And I don't even feel like sayin it! Not that I'm too glad to be back or anything, but somehow I'm not feeling bad at all about comin back! I guess I'm gettin used to this life now, that is why I've sorta numbed out or somethin but yeah, I am suprised by myself - I never thought I could get used to this place!!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 | Labels: homesickness | 0 Comments