
When I was in school, I'd see my older cousins who'd come over from college and I'd find certain things very weird about them. Stories about dirty socks etc would disgust me, and their laid back style-studying and assignments at the last moment, no plans for anything, everything impromptu- would kind of surprise me.
After coming to college myself though, I find myself trodding the same paths and my only comment now would be - 'yeah! It is kinda funny. But I guess its okay!'
I mean, really, it is really okay, isn't it! It happens to everyone, and it happened to me. So what's the big deal right!
Well the only deal's that it may not go down too well with your parents, so just make sure they don't get the wind of it! With this only important thing taken care of, you're ready to live your life, your way!
There have been two really amazing developments in me that's sure to drive my mum berserk!
I developed, right from the scratch, the potential to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, anyway! This, by the way, is a common trait in all normal college students.
The other would be my ability to study with my earphones plugged to my ear. And not just that, the volume of the music has increased like five times! I never thought I'd be anything like this, I never thought such people could be good or serious students. But now, I find myself waking up in the morning and looking for my earphones to plug in!
Dirty socks are no more an issue for me; I've got like over five pairs of dirty rocks at various locations in my room, and I really don't mind. I'll think of doing something about them only when all my other pairs are exhausted! Same applies to clothes as well. I have more dirty clothes than clean ones!
I realised I need just half my bed, the other half's for stuff that just can't be moved elsewhere!
But these things are only normal human instincts right? That means I'm getting closer to nature?? hmmm...


Unknown said...

u use just half ur bed when u r in hostel
i have been doing that since i can remember!
i table is overflowing with odds and ends
and my bed..during the day noone except me can even find place to sit on it!
at night...
i make a lil more room for the tiny me that i am
and snuggle in :D
it feels so cozy...

dirty mom has stopped commenting
she knows its better to keep shut than trying to make me put them into the washing machine!
and to think i dont need to do the washing up myself-
but am still so laid back!
yes, u r working ur way to normalcy - slowly tho
but u r!

Trisha said...

sweetie it seems as though no one for miles around this place has ever even heard of the wonderful invention christened 'the washing m/c'