
There's something very special about wildflowers; maybe because not many people consider them special in the first place and hardly ever give them a thought. Somehow, I always notice even the tiniest wildflowers and love myself for never missing them.
The part that strikes me the most is that they grow on their own, totally uncared for; unlike the I'd say 'pampered' ones you'd get at the florist's!! And they stay good for a longer time and are just so nice, bringing even the driest stone to life!
And my favorite part is that they spring up almost anywhere, like the really pink and really pretty ones that sprung up outside my window this morning out of nowhere and reminded me of this really cute quote I came across once:
        Love is like wildflowers, it's often found in the most unlikely places ;)


Quest said...

Does any of the flowers that we pamper know that they are pampered? ;-) The earth supports life without any discrimnation unlike us so does the elements :)

Vinitha Vasanth said...

That's a "cute confession" out there :) .. and nice quote too !!

Trisha said...

@vinitha: ;)
@viajero: just can't help feeling sorry for the pretty souls that miss out on the pampering...