For you, a thousand times over..

After spending all of my last summer on fiction, I'd resolved to totally keep away from it this year; but some things are just meant to be: I ended up at my aunt's place yesterday with no internet, no signal on my phone, and just a cupboard full of books; and this is what I laid my hands on...
Khaled Hosseini's 'The Kite Runner'
I still don't believe it was just fiction, somehow every word I read in there seems to be as true as it can ever be;
I know I broke my resolution but it was worth it. I'll only try to keep it for the rest of the summer..lets see ;)


Unknown said...
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Trisha said...

didn't I say.."worth it"? :P
I don't think I can do justice to the book if I write about it; so read it and you'll know ;)

Pankaj Singh said...

I am quite aware of the cupboard of books you have at your disposal. :) I don't see you getting any decent reading material in the near future

Trisha said...

@pankaj: hehe :P

Dheeraj Sayala said...

Wonderful Book :)