
Yesterday was the last working day at college, atleast for my class.
And it was followed by the director's farewell to our batch in the evening.

July 23, 2007 - all of us had assembled in that very auditorium for the first time (and sadly, I guess that was the only time the whole batch was ever together under one damned roof) for our orientation ceremony.
We didn't know each other and neither did we know ourselves quite so well then.
We had no idea what was coming, yet we were all inspired and excited; inspired by our own success (at having reached here) and excited about what was to come (for they said, this college was one of the best, and they said once we got here, our futures were set and secured - oh yeah, that's what they used to say).

I had already been on campus for 5 days by then; had been locked up in LH ever since my mom had left; and had already had had my first brushes with what was to come atleast in the immediate future. The only mess open during that duration had already served us boiled bananas, appam and stew by then. Some seniors had landed up earlier than they should have and had already started on what they proudly considered their duty! So on 23rd morning, we were lined up at the hostel gates, all dressed up in our 'funde', heads bowed low....

Well, after two years of hell (high school) and getting into NIT - 'C', I had thought I could finally look up and around, and take a deep breath. And here we were..

Honestly, at that moment, it felt like hell all over again.

Most of the orientation ceremony was boring speeches I really wasn't paying attention to. But I could never forget the line with which Raghu sir closed the ceremony. I wonder if anyone else remembers, but he said -
Four years from now, when you leave this college, Duniya aapki muthi mein honi chahiye'..

Well, I coudn't imagine then how that could possibly happen in this place.

April 12, 2011 - few gathered in the same auditorium. But only a few.
I don't blame the ones who didn't turn up; I myself don't know why I went, I knew most wouldn't turn up anyway; but since I could never forget those lines, I just wanted to go there to, I guess, see things through till the end of it!

So there we were yesterday, a 'few' of us.

This time, we had some friends around us, and some faces.
We have little idea on what's coming, we're not so inspired anymore I think, but excited, yes we are!!

The last four years have been incredible and unbelievable.
I have watched the transformations myself - from high school grads to college grads, but more important than the degree, we've all grown really fast in these last 4 years compared to the 18 yrs before we got here.
How this college can change lives doesn't need my imagination anymore...