Fall @ Rajpath

Happens a little later than the rest of the country but all the same, better later than never - it's one of the few things I look forward to each year, also this signifies the beginning of two months of killing heat :(
So it's already happening for this year and I dunno about the rest of the campus but disaster's already struck LH with our well going dry, heaven knows what's in store for us this year!!
Anyways, for now, check out the campus with whatever I could manage with my phone camera.
Special thanks to Nokia, for making an awesome phone with a pretty good camera (so good that you can still get pictures like these after I damaged the lens right in first semester!)
and Inos for getting me hooked to Picasa :)


Quest said...

Could have put a pic showing the 'falls' from the birds ;)

Whats so many red flags and posters doing in the last pic?

New template is good...u can go for a difrnt view for the archives and the labels..taking a long space..